The question that goes through everyone's mind in at last one point of their life, "Is there a God?"
For me, I have no doubts of a higher power, but I have a struggle with organized religion.
This shoot was inspired by an idea...an idea that your relationship with God, is one that should
be between you and him. Not him and 13 million or 1 billion other people. It is an intimate
relationship. One that must be cultivated...fed/watered just like anything else in this life
that requires greatness.
For this shoot I was the Creative Director/Stylist
Lianna Michelle was the photographer.
One that I respect highly as a person and professional.
Andrea Brown was the model.
Wonderful person to work with.
Vanessa Adler did Hair and Makeup
<3 this girl!
Melanie McLaws hand made the head dresses.
She is incredibly talented!!
Nephi Garcia is a local designer from Provo Utah,
who designed and created the amazing dresses.
He will go big! I just know it
We shot this at the Masonic Temple. I did have to rent it out, but it was well worth experiencing this incredible building. It's full of lots of history and 4 incredible rooms. Gothic, Colonial, Moorish and Egyptian. We shot this in the Moorish room. Everything was hand painted in the 1920's. The whole building was inspired by the Egyptian Architecture. Back in the 1920's it was a huge deal, being that we had discovered our first mummy etc. The Masons are non-denominational, which was important to me. I didn't want to cater to any one religion. It was shot all in film and under very little lighting.
Parts of the room we couldn't even touch. This was an amazing experience. I loved every second of this majestic shoot.
Love this! Great blog. :)